Live or Digital Signage? BOTH with MV-500

- Live Video Distribution and Digital Signage

One System for Live Video and Digital Signage

Deliver your live message as you need. Otherwise, show your visual messages


Multicast your Live Message

A combination of MV-500T and MV-500R provides you with the superior experience of live multicast distribution. A multicast receiver often has some timing gap with others, which results in sound interference among units. Once that happens, the audience may not be able to listen to the live message. You will not face such a situation with MV-500T and MV-500R. All MV-500Rs are beautifully synchronized to prevent sound interference among units.

Once the system is set up, starting your live streaming is easy. You connect your video camera to MV-500T, turn it on and start. You can turn them on through CEC by silex Media Transporter software even if the displays are turned off. Furthermore, you can prioritize live streaming over your digital signage content.

Watch this video to learn how great the MV-500 system performs AV multicasting.


Display your Digital Signage Contents in the rest of time

You don't need to keep turning off your displays when there is no live streaming. You can repurpose the MV-500R as the digital signage player to utilize your displays all the time. Keep reminding your people of the important things for your organization with your visual content.



Multicast AV-over-IP system to provide superior experience of synchronized live multicasting. When you don't stream the live message, deliver your visual message via MV-500R as a digital signage player.
