An intelligent Wi-Fi 6 + Bluetooth SOM with plug-and-play RNDIS, based on NXP's RW610 for IoT applications.
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SX-Virtual Link is a utility to discover and connect to USB devices connected to Silex USB Device Servers.
SX-Virtual Link for Serial (a.k.a. Serial Port Emulator) is the software used for Windows COM port emulation with our Serial Device Servers.
SX virtual Link Display for Education is the projection assistant software program that is exclusively designed for educational sites.
The USB Device Server Setup Software is a utility to configure Silex USB Device Servers to join the network.
The Serial Device Server Setup Software is a utility to configure Silex Serial Device Servers to join the network.
The NetDA Setup Software is a utility to configure Silex Network Display Adapters to join the network.
AMC Manager® software allows remote monitoring and management of Silex wireless products
Mesh Monitor is an optional plug-in software for the AMC Manager.
AMC Meeting plus is a Windows tool to facilitate a meeting using Z-1 presentation system.
AMC Meeting is a Windows tool to mirror Windows PC screen on a display connected to Z-1.
The SDK helps system integrators and device manufacturers add Silex SX Virtual Link functionality into Windows applications.
The SX Virtual USB SDK for Linux allows manufacturers to implement Silex “Virtual Link” functionality into any embedded network device which has a USB Host port.
Application for receiving and saving CNC data acquired by FBR-100AN on a PC. (Free sample program)
This is a sample application for Windows for monitoring CAN data with wireless LAN using CDS-2150 and GDM-3250.
SX-Finder is a utility to discover X-5/X-5HM Products and Launch the Web Browser Configuration Tool for setup
SX-Finder is a utility to discover Silex Networking Products and Launch the Web Browser Configuration Tool for setup
AMC Finder is a utility to discover Silex Networking Products and Launch the Web Browser Configuration Tool for setup
Serial Port Emulator is the software used for Windows COM port emulation with our Serial Device Servers.
ExtendView is a utility for configuration of Silex Device Servers.
Use the Update IP utility to verify your product's firmware version and upgrade to the latest version. Version 2.2.3 for Windows 2000 & XP
Network discovery, configuration and printer status monitor tool
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista (32/64-bit)
The CX User Software is for configuration anduse of the C-6200WG, C-6500U2, and C-6700WG products which are designed for networking Canon printers.
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