Silex Unwired

Silex Technology and "Silex" Malware: Not Affiliated, Not Affected

Are you wondering what "Silex" malware is? Or if the malware is affiliated with Silex Technology?

The short answer is no. No, Silex Technology products will not be affected, either. But if your DVR is acting funny today, you should keep reading.

The "Silex" malware strain, allegedly created by a 14-year-old hacker, is bricking IoT devices similar to the BrickerBot malware that destroyed millions of devices between April and December 2017.

The first source to report the worm was Since the story was published, 2,000 smart devices have been infected. According to the creator of the malware, attacks will intensify in the coming days. Plans include adding the ability to log into devices via SSH, in addition to the current Telnet hijacking capability.

How the malware strain works

The malware compromises devices by wiping them clean, causing the most possible damage without literally frying circuit boards or hardware. It destroys the storage of the device, drops firewall rules, eliminates network configuration, and eventually stops device performance entirely. Unix-like OS’s with default login credentials are most at-risk.

Preventing damage isn't impossible

The worm infiltrates devices through guessing standard user names and passwords. Changing a device's default admin password may help prevent an attack against the malware strain. Finding default usernames and passwords on smart devices can be as easy as looking for a sticker on the IoT device or finding the info on the user guide or setup instructions. If a device is already affected, downloading and reinstalling the device's firmware is the only fix.

Cybercrime is the fastest-growing crime in the US, so conversations shouldn't stop

Cybersecurity spans far past fleeting malware problems. By 2022, the internet is projected to have 6 billion users, and the growth doesn't end there: projections show that by 2020, there will be over 200 billion smart objects online. That's a lot of private customer data—and what's more, a lot of liability.

Cybercrime can impact years of effort to build IoT markets, brands, and reputations. Attacks erode the underlying structure of businesses, and if left unchecked, the impact can be immeasurable.

Being one step ahead is critical

Successful attacks on any communication devices can have a range of impacts, including:

  • Disabling of device
  • General DoS
  • Logging of actions
  • Planting of malware
  • Hijacking
  • Exposure of private data

Ensuring that proper security measures are undertaken requires vigilance—and the right partner. Silex Technology offers a sophisticated risk management process and program to ensure that all customers assess and prepare for threats in a way that protects their devices and business.

This integrated risk management program is one way Silex Technology helps customers and partners navigate the evolving risk landscape, protecting all parties as the IoT industry innovates forward.

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