Silex Unwired

Silex Raises Awareness for Men’s Health Issues with Movember Foundation

“Whatever you grow will save a bro. Patchy, lopsided, itchy or epic – whatever mo you grow this Movember, your face will raise funds and awareness for men’s health.”

-The Movember Foundation 

Movember Before and Afters

Movember is an annual event that uses the growing of moustaches, the unique snowflakes of the face, as the driving symbol during the month of November to raise awareness for men's health issues. The key areas focused on are prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health issues, specifically suicide prevention, being that 3 out of 4 suicides are by men.


The Movember Foundation is the only global initiative focused solely on men’s health. The foundation raises funds to deliver innovative, breakthrough research and support programs that enable men to live happier, healthier, and longer lives. Men are dying on average a notable 6 years sooner than women. The goal of Movember is to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25% by 2030. Awareness and fundraising activities are run year-round, with the annual campaign being globally recognized for its fun, disruptive approach to fundraising and inspiring men to take action for their health. 


That’s why beginning November 4, 2020, the Silex Technology team partnered with the Movember Foundation to participate in our 2nd annual challenge. We set up a Silex Technology team fundraising page to capture any welcomed donations during the month. We are pleased to share that we met and exceeded our fundraising goal with employee and our Culture Club’s contributions! Our male employees showed their support for this great cause by growing mustaches and beards and proudly sporting them for the month. Who says you can’t get involved in charity events remotely? The COVID-19 pandemic did not stop our employees, because we are committed to giving back and making a positive impact!


At the beginning of the month, we collected pictures of each participant and a second photo for comparison at the end of the month. This year, we allowed participants to either begin the challenge clean shaven, or with an already mustached face. As you can tell from the photos, we had a pretty impressive set of mo’s! While this is a fun way to raise awareness, it also gives us a chance to practice gratitude not only for the hair we do have, but the health as well, because sometimes hair can be a symbol of wellness, as many who battle cancer lose theirs. Silex is committed to promoting a mentality of gratitude and giving, and the Movember challenge serves as a reminder of how blessed we truly are and how capable we are of being “Difference Makers.”


By promoting awareness and involvement, Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of premature and preventable male deaths. Aside from annual check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages men to become aware of family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Since inception, the Movember Foundation has raised $837 million and funded over 1,200 projects in 21 countries. 


Do you want to help raise awareness for men’s health issues, too? With the money you save on grooming products or services for even one month, you can make a difference with us! Learn more about making a donation and getting involved.